Individual Sponsors

How You Can Help
As you donate each month, refugees are fed, poverty is alleviated, and lives are changed forever. Families in developing markets receive the support they need to grow high quality food for better health, improved income, and stronger communities.
Our Giving Plans
Feed a refugee child two meals per day fortified with 26 minerals and vitamins every month.
Feed a refugee mother two meals per day fortified with 26 minerals and vitamins plus antioxidants every month.
Finance high-quality seeds for a 2-acre farm every month. After two seasons, the farmers are self-funding. That’s life-changing.
Finance a small farm: seed, fertilizer, and micro-irrigation for a 5-acre farm every month. In two seasons, this farmer should be well on her way to sustainable self-reliance.
Finance a small cooperative: Whether planting grains, pulses, vegetables or fruit trees for sale into a regional market, these cooperatives have proven credit and grow by bringing more and more small farmers into their organization.
Finance the purchase of a giant 100 metric ton airtight storage bag that will secure the grains of a cooperative for years to come, dramatically reducing post-harvest loss.
Sponsor training and certification of 50 farm business advisors (FBAs) who will train and directly support more than 10,000 farmers with good agricultural practices, connect them with quality inputs, financing, and ready markets at harvest time.